Approved ICC - International Code Council Credit Courses
12 Hours of LEED Qualified Energy Rater Training
CEUs: 1.2 ICC
This course is designed to train students who wish to be LEED Qualified Energy Rater the basics of building science, air sealing inspections, insulation inspections, indoor air quality considerations, and an introduction to blower door testing and duct leakage testing. It is designed to provide the training required by the USGBC for those wishing to become a LEED Qualfied Energy Rater for projects located outside of the United States and Canada. A LEED Qualified Professional can perform the HERS Rater or qualified energy rater tasks for these projects.
Once you have completed this on-line portion of the training, you will enter an apprenticeship where you will gain experience performing energy inspections and testing on at least two building projects with a similar scope of work as the LEED Projects you plan to undertake. If the projects will include blower door and duct testing, you must also gain hands-on experience with the tools and perform testing and verification under the guidance of a LEED for Homes Provider. Your experience will be documented and your certification completed by the Provider. You will recieve details in the final unit about how to connect with the Provider and complete your certification.
Building Science and the Building Envelope
CEUs: 0.4 ICC
The building envelope plays a large part in the amount of energy our homes use. This course introduces you to construction terminology, takes you through a quick history of home construction and home energy use and dives into the details of building envelope energy flows. You will learn about heating and cooling load calculations, degree days, R-Values, U-Values, K-Values, heat loss, and heat gain. We complete the envelope discussion by discussing climate zones and climate zone impacts on construction decisions.
Building Science Fundamentals
CEUs: 0.4 ICC
Building science is the study of interactions within a building that impact efficiency, comfort, building durability, indoor air quality, and occupant health. Building Science Fundamentals provides a high-level overview into this field of study. With this course, you will have a thorough understanding of basic building science in the areas of building envelope, heat transfer, moisture transfer and air transfer, and will gain 1 CEU in each section for a total of 4 CEUs. You will learn some of the terminology, how energy is used in a residence, and what components make up a building envelope. You will also learn about the flow of heat, air, and moisture through the building envelope and how those energy flows impact the building and its occupants.
Combustion Safety and Combustion Safety Testing
CEUs: 0.7 ICC
This course is about combustion safety in our homes and residences. We will define the Combustion Appliance Zone(s) (CAZ), discuss the combustion process and elements of combustion safety, understand the multiple combustion appliances we may have to evaluate as well as testing protocols and visual examination. This course covers all combustion appliances, whether they are located in a dedicated CAZ or not. Testing tools, calculations, interpretation of results, and incorporating safety into the scope of work are covered. ACCA Standards and RESNET Standards are included as a focus of this training.
Construction Math
CEUs: 0.8 ICC
There are many uses for Construction Math, from Building Science to Real Estate to Construction. This course will help you dust off and expand your math skills with a focus on residential construction. You will learn how to take accurate measurements in the field and how to determine accurate measurements on plans as well as how to calculate area and volume for basic and more advanced shapes and construction features such as hip roofs and spiral staircase or turret walls. Top it all off with a primer on generating scale drawings and what should be included in those drawings. If you work with any type of construction, this course will help you ensure your calculations are accurate.
Construction Primer
CEUs: 0.4 ICC
Construction basics and building components are covered in this course. We take a tour of construction plans and learn what to expect in the plan set. We cover the components that make up the building shell in details and review alternative building materials and techniques.
Energy Fundamentals
CEUs: 0.6 ICC
Energy Fundamentals is all about Energy! This short course covers the definition of energy including detailed energy terms and the language of energy. You will learn the laws of thermodynamics and take a deep dive into the concepts of heat flow, air flow, and moisture flow. These concepts are brought together with a discussion about how they impact human comfort, health and safety.
ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Certification for Raters, HERS Modelers, RFIs, & Code Officials
CEUs: 1.8 ICC | 18 RESNET
This fully online, on-demand course provides the required training for those verifying under the ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction program. This is an EPA Approved training course for HERS Raters, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Modelers. The training assumes the student has already taken the ENERGY STAR Single Family New Homes required training and builds from that base of understanding to provide the specifics required for the certification of Multifamily projects. This course is current with the ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction, Version 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 (Rev. 02) checklists and includes information about what is coming in the Rev. 03 checklists.
Are you looking for a Combo Deal?
Register for both this Multifamily New Construction course PLUS the Single Family New Homes course and receive a 5% discount off of both courses! Click here for the combo package registration.
ENERGY STAR Single Family New Homes Version 3/3.1 Certification Training for HERS Raters, HERS Modelers, Rating Field Inspectors (RFIs) & Code Officials
CEUs: 1.8 ICC | 18 RESNET
This 18 CEU online, on-demand training class teaches HERS Raters, HERS Modelers, and RFIs what they need to know to verify homes for the ENERGY STAR Program. This course is open to HERS Raters/HERS Modelers/RFIs who are new to ENERGY STAR as well as those who are already ENERGY STAR Certified. This course includes details about the ENERGY STAR v3.0/v3.1 program using the Revision 11 Checklists. Please Note: This course does not include the new ENERGY STAR Multi-Family program - that is available in a separate course. This course does include component by component verification protocols, partnering with ENERGY STAR, information about logo use, marketing materials and ongoing support. The ENERGY STAR Exam is included; which must be passed in order to become certified as an ENERGY STAR qualified HERS Rater/HERS Modeler/RFI and/or obtain the 18 CEUs.
Are you looking for a Combo Deal?
Register for both this Single Family New Homes course PLUS the Multifamily New Construction course and receive a 5% discount off of both courses! Click here for the combo package registration.
Indoor Air Quality and Mechanical Ventilation
CEUs: 0.5 ICC | 5 RESNET
This online, on-demand training class is targeted to HERS Raters, RFIs and Code Officials; but will be interesting to anyone who breathes while inside their residence. You will learn all about Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), carbon monoxide production, and mechanical ventilation systems. It also explains code calculations for required ventilation air and changes to those codes over the years, including how to take measured air infiltration into account and what you need to know to test and verify the air flow of mechanical ventilation systems according to the latest residential codes.
Insulation and Radiant Barrier Evaluation
CEUs: 0.5 ICC | 5 RESNET
This online, on-demand training class will be of interest to Insulation Installers, HERS Raters, RFIs, Code Officials, and General Contractors. The amount of items and standards to be considered and evaluated when determining the quality of a residential insulation job or the installation of radiant barriers is surprising. The installation, the application, and the specific materials used all have their own set of requirements. After those have been met, the installation itself must be evaluated to determine the quality of that installation. Insulation and Radiant Barrier Evaluation walks you through all these considerations and explains how Grading works for insulation and radiant barrier installations according to the ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard.
Overview of Solar Technologies and Solar Construction
CEUs: 0.2 ICC | 2 RESNET
This course is designed to be an introduction to passive and active solar systems that includes a history of how solar features were included in ancient dwellings up to the present time. This quick but comprehensive course includes:
- How solar photovoltaic (PV) collectors are manufactured, the types of PV collectors available, and their efficiencies.
- The difference between passive and active solar systems and an examination of their components.
- How to size and determine the cost of a solar electric (PV) system.
- How to calculate the federal tax credit incentives for residential renewable energy systems.
- How to find additional rebates, incentives, funding, and other programs for residential renewable energy systems.
Verifying Air Distribution and Air Barrier Systems in Residential Construction
CEUs: 0.9 ICC
Understanding, measuring and diagnosing air leakage of the duct systems and the building shell is the focus of this training course. The air distribution system and the home envelope are described and investigated along with their impacts on efficiency, safety and building durability. Tools and methods for measuring duct and air leakage and duct and air leakage calculations are explained. Discussions and examples include pressure influences and pressure diagnostics. This course is an excellent introduction to residential duct and air leakage for anyone considering performing this type of testing and diagnostics; or anyone who will be approving and overseeing others to perform this type of work.